My poor baby girl.....
Her and I are both sick right now. And we are miserable. I started with an ear infection which led to a sinus infection which led to bronchitis which is now back at another infection of some sorts....along with bruised ribs/sternum from coughing so hard. This has been going on since Feb.8th! I think this month alone with Dr's visits, co-pays and Rx's I have probably paid about $500 bucks out of pocket! ARGH
My poor daughter Keelee has been sick just as long as me. She had a major sinus infection which has led to this nasty cough that has been lingering for a little over a week. She's on her second round of anti-biotic (which aren't helping). Well today Grandma (watches the kids Mon-Wed and home-schools them during that time also) said Keelee's been coughing all afternoon.
I get home from work around 6:30 pm and she's still coughing. We have given every kind of medicine imaginable but she is still coughing. I mean it's annoying coughing - no barking or anything like that - just an annoying cough. So I proceed to give her some warm lemon/honey combo to soothe the throat. She seems to get a little better and the coughing starts again.
At about 8:30 we decide we are going to have a miserable night and Hubby agrees to take her to Quick Care. Yea - did you know that there are NO MORE 24hr Quick Care's in Las Vegas?!!!!! I guess due to budget cut backs they decided that these were no longer necessary. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? We are a frickin' 24 hr town...of course this is needed. So after 45 minutes of Daddy and Kee driving all over town, they come home. And what do we do?
We turn to the handy dandy INTERNET :-) Boy people have got some great home remedies on here!
So a quick Vapo-Rub to the feet, some Vicks in the humidifier in her room and some more yummy lemon/honey, the coughing finally starts to dwindle down. Huh? What's that? Oh!!
Yah - I said Vapo Rub on the bottom of her feet - with socks on of course! Apparently the feet have a million different connections to the body (Reflexology).
So it's 10:52pm here now....she came in earlier to let us know her head hurts when she's coughing. We marched her back into her room, said another prayer together and tucked her back into bed.
Hopefully this won't be a long night. Daddy's going to take her to the Dr in the morning since I have to be at work so early....speaking of..I need to get to bed!!
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