Got these at Target and they are reusable. The kids were even able to poke some of the pieces in. This was a blast!
Of course the big item I worked on all weekend was the kids costumes. They are going to be characters from an old Disney show called Pucca.

The costumes weren't that hard to put together. The hardest part for me was finding something to cover up my kids blonde hair. Since the Pucca characters are asian and have black hair the best solution I had was to use a black knit hat.
Pucca has 2 round balls on either side of her head and Garu has 2 longer "stick" shaped ones that also stick out. So with a little prayer, some hand sewing and a hot glue gun....this is how they turned out:

I think this will be the last year I can get them to coordinate outfits. I thought I lost them last year. He was a power ranger and she was Dorothy.....so I am thankful they wanted to do this another year!