For those of you that know me best you know my rocky relationship with my parents. Walt saw this first hand when I was 16 years old....he knew from day one what he was accepting. A seriously dilusioned, heartbroken, dysfunctional mess of a 16 year old. Who had no acceptance of herself or her abilities to be a genuinely nice person. Believe it or not....I used to be a serious mess....I was a horrible friend...back stabbed anyone close to me...and constantly started rumors about people who were my friends because I was mad or jealous.
Walt really changed this about me....he wasn't affraid to confront me, or to make me start believing that I could change and be a better person. About 1 year after we started dating...I had a previous friend approach me and tell me that she noticed I was a much nicer and happier person since I started dating Walt. I was shocked because I always thought I was a nice and happy person. I guess I was sadly mistaken.
Walter had big plans for us....about 4 months into dating...granted I wasn't even 17 yet...he started talking about when we "get MARRIED" we are going to do so many things?!?! I was this guy crazy? We are kids! Kids don't get married.....jeez he is soooo pushy. My initial reaction was to blow him off.....and then about a year my bedroom.....right before he was to be playing at the UNLV Basketball game (no not basketball....LOL he was in the PEP band!)....he told me to wait in my room...and not come out until he said so. My thought: ....he's had it with me....he's breaking up with me and he's telling my parents first....
Boy was I wrong......30 minutes later....he walks in....PEP bank uniform on and everything.....I am sitting on my bed.....he walks up next to me....gets down on 1 knee.....takes my hands.....and says he doesn't want to live life without me in it....he asked my dad for permission and got the okay.....he brought out a ring box and proceeded to ask me to spend the rest of my life with him!!! I was floored
The rest is history.....3 months after I was fully legal the old man ( I call him that cause he is a full year older then me).....gave me his last name (Yeah)....good deal for me! I went from Tina Ann Tina Ann Thomas <- Doesn't this have an amazing ring to it? Much better then Stilsmelzit ( that was my nickname)'s polish....what do you expect!?!?
So I am reflecting on our life so far together...I am wondering where the hecks did 15 years go??? I still feel like we just got married and we are newlyweds and we don't really know what we are only regret?.....why didn't we have kids sooner? We make the best kids together....I am so sorry my body failed so many times....I think if I could change anything it would have been to be one of those women who gets pregnant without thinking about it....I hate my body for denying that too you.....
But when I think back to those nightly shots in my ovaries the size of grapefruits....the horsepiss shot that made me cry like a baby...I swear it made me feel like my leg was on fire....the egg retrieval....26 eggs baby! ovaries rocked!....the painful squirting you had to do in a cup!...I know that was not fun baby.....the implementation.....and the fact that I had to pee like a race horse right after....and you swearing you were going to hurt me if I pee'd our babies out! LOL.....the painful Progestrone Oil shots in my ass that left marks for months......this was all so worth it when we first looked on that Ultrasound machine screen on November 12th, 2002 and got to see 2 little black sacs....our babies Walt! Those are our babies! Our Love...created by another....but grown by us.....I want to do it again...all over again....I want a hundred of your babies!
I love you so much are such an amazing person. I feel so honored to be your have your love. You treat me like I am this precious gift. You honor me and love me unconditionally....and I can't thank you enough for that. You are my other half....and I am not complete without you here.
I love your Face!